Real Cash

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


I hope you all are known about  magic genie Aladdin. Well, there are these genes. But we do not live in antique lamps and also not magic. But they have supernatural powers that can pass through walls, change shape, considering the human body, etc. associated with angels and demons. Some are good and some are bad. Sometimes we make mistakes giving the evil spirits and good genes, like angels. But genes are different from angels and demons, because the genes of earthly beings.
In my country, Bangladesh, is the genius known as "genius. Well we are not concerned, but it is wrong to interfere in our lives. Believe me, these creatures are real. Do you know many stories of geniuses. My family and I have experience.
So what happened when I was 10 or 11 years. One evening, my younger brother fell over screaming. He quickly ran to my room (which was on the bottom), and sat on the bed, breathing heavily. At that time, my father and my mother came into my room. Seeing him, panting worried and asked what had happened. He said he saw a standing room completely white servant (slave to our room, next to the stairs). Everyone took it seriously. Why another incident days earlier, one night, two cats fighting and making a terrible noise. So, my brother and my mother sang: .. "If you let the jinn Three times in Bangladesh (my native language) Sing these words, because the geniuses feel shape cats, especially black cats, and believed that if you sing these words three times, the genie is out. With these words of the song, the cat is out of place in an era when we were both surprised and frightened time.
A few days after the accident, my brother, I will go up, and when I discovered that there was another presence. So I looked around and saw what made me want to faint. I saw a figure standing in front of all-white cleanliness of our room. I closed my eyes and ran down the stairs. As I ran down the stairs, I almost fell twice while my eyes were closed. Anyway, I went to the room of my mother breathing heavily and explained everything to her. At that time, my brother was there. He said he had seen the same figure, the same day. I'm sure this is no coincidence. But after the incident, in my opinion we have not seen the same number again. But last year saw the smoke in some rooms. We searched everywhere in these places and their vicinity, also tried out our house, but found nothing, burning or any other object that the smoke can escape. We also have a strange smell smoke.
I think there was a genius in the house. Because of these characteristics jinn. And if there is a smell of perfume, he believes that the geniuses well. So I think the genie was nice, as it has done no harm to us.

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