Vice President, Nicolas Maduro, flew to Cuba to visit Chavez in hospital as fears supporters fell ill 58 years, the Socialist leader, who does not appear in public or heard three weeks.Chavez has already suffered unexpected bleeding caused by the operation of six hours on December 11th for a unique form of cancer in the pelvis. Officials said the doctors had to fight against respiratory infections.
"A few minutes ago, we were with President Chavez. Welcomed us and talked about these complications," said Maduro in the air, adding a third series of complications due to a respiratory infection.
"Because of his physical and spiritual strength, the commander Chavez facing this difficult situation."
Maduro, surrounded by Cilia Flores, his wife, the attorney general's daughter Rosa Virginia Chavez and her husband, Jorge Arreaza science, said he is in Havana, while Chavez has changed state.
He said Chavez remained state "difficult" - a term that has been used since the day after the operation, when he warned Venezuelans to prepare for hard times, and urged them to keep the president in their prayers.
"We hope that the avalanche of love and solidarity with Comandante Chavez, with his enormous will to live and support the best health care professionals, our new president will win this battle," said Maduro.
A senior government official said Caracas Eve New Year's Eve Party in downtown Bolivar Plaza has been canceled. "Everybody pray for the strength of our commander to overcome this difficult period," the official, Jacqueline Faria, Twitter added after instruction.
Chavez resigned for health reasons or death, became the country's policy of OPEC, where his personalized brand of oil funded socialism has made him a hero to the poor, but a pariah to criticism call a dictator.
His condition is now followed by Latin America, especially in other countries, led by leftist governments of Cuba and Bolivia, which depends on the supply of fuel subsidies and other aid from Venezuela for their fragile economies .
Chavez did not provide detailed information on the cancer that was first diagnosed in June 2011, which led to speculation among the 29 million people in Venezuela and criticism of opposition leaders.
Chavez allies have openly discussed the possibility that he can not return to Venezuela, which will be open to his third six-year term in office on the date of its constitution on January 10.
Senior "Chavista" Officials said that the desire people have been clear when the president was re-elected in October, and that the Constitution does not specify what happens if the President-elect can not take office on January 10.
Opposition leaders say delay is only the latest sign that Chavez is not able to govern the country and that a new election must be called to choose a replacement. If Chavez to resign and new elections will be held within 30 days.
Opposition members believe they have a better chance against Maduro, who was appointed earlier this month, Chavez, as his successor, rather than against the charismatic president, who for 14 years has been virtually unbeatable in polls.
Any succession constitutional litigation could lead to disorder transition to a post-Chavez was in a country with the largest oil reserves in the world.
Maduro has become the face of the government, in the absence of Chavez, imitating the pompous and harsh criticism of the president of the United States and its policies "imperialist".
Broadcast on Sunday Maduro said Chavez sent wishes for a Happy New Year to all Venezuelans, "especially children, it is in my heart forever."
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